Call Options

Caller ID

Caller ID is an optional feature which allows a subscriber to see the telephone number of an incoming call displayed on your display unit. The telephone number of an incoming call will display between the first and second rings. Caller ID service works only on calls which originate and terminate in central offices which are capable of sending the information to us. Only published telephone numbers will be displayed on a Caller ID display unit.

Caller Name

Caller Name will allow you to see the directory listed name of the person calling on a display unit before the call is answered. The name will appear between the first and second rings. Caller name only works on calls which originate and terminate in central offices which are capable of sending the name to us. If the call is coming from an unlisted or unpublished number the name will not appear. You must have Caller ID along with Caller Name.

Voice Mail

Lets callers leave a message when you are not home or when your line is busy.  Retrieve your message from any phone.

No more replacing answering machines when they go bad or get hit by lightning.

From home dial *83.  Away from home dial the voice mail access – 419-538-6245.  Listen for the prompt for your 10 digit number.   After prompt for your password enter the code.

Three-Way Calling

Want to talk to more than one person, use three-way calling. With this service you can initiate calls to both parties or add another party to an established call. Dial the first person, when they answer put them on hold by pressing the switch-hook or flash button. Dial the second person, press the switch-hook or flash button again and you can talk to both of them at the same time. When call is completed, hang-up to de-activate the service.

Call Waiting

This service will notify you when another call comes in while talking to another party. You will hear a slight beep; press the switch-hook or flash button on your phone pad or receiver once and release it. This puts the first person on hold and connects you to the second call. To return to the first call, press the receiver or flash button again, and release it. You will be re-connected to the first call. You may switch between calls as often as you like by repeating the steps above. If you do not answer the second call, you will hear a beep tone about every ten seconds.

Cancel Call Waiting

You can cancel your call waiting service on a per-call basis. If you are on an important call or do not want to be disturbed while talking, you can activate this service. Press *70 on your touch-tone phone or dial 70 and wait 4 seconds on your rotary phone. When the call is complete, the call waiting service will automatically go back into effect.

Call Forwarding

A service that allows calls to follow you wherever you go. Simply program your phone before leaving, when a call comes in it will ring into the phone you designate. If the number you are forwarding to is long distance you will be charged for the call. To forward a call press *72 on your touch-tone phone or dial 72 and wait four seconds on a rotary phone. Next, enter the number to which you want the call to go including the area code.  You will hear a one-ring signal every time your number is called. This will remind you that your phones are forwarded, but keep in mind you cannot answer any calls as long as the phones are forwarded. When you want to cancel call forwarding, pick up the receiver, wait for dial tone and enter *73 or dial 73 and wait four seconds on a rotary phone.. You will hear a tone signal and all incoming calls will then come through. You must remember to de-activate service when you return home.

Automatic Call Back

Automatically re-dials the last out going number after the customer activates the service by dialing *66 from a touch-tone phone, or 1166 from a rotary dial phone.  Automatic call back (repeat dialing) monitors the busy line and performs a call set-up when both the originating and terminating lines become idle.  After activation of the feature, the originating and terminating customers may place other calls without affecting the automatic call back (repeat dialing) service status.   This service may also be used to recall a called party after the conversation has been terminated.  This service is offered on a universal basis with no monthly charge and no connection charge.  At the customers request, access to universal automatic call back (repeat dialing) may be blocked.  Such blocking will be provided at no charge to the customer.

The customer will be charged for each successful activation of the service.  A successful activation is when the automatic call back (repeat dialing) customer receives a ringing tone, even if the party being called does not answer.

Automatic Recall

Enables a customer to return the last incoming call, whether or not it was answered.  The customer dials the activation code of *69 from a touch-tone phone or 1169 from a rotary dial phone, and the last incoming call is announced.  If the incoming call was placed from a line designated as “private”, the recording will indicate that the number is private or unavailable.  To activate the automatic recall function, dial “1”.  If the line is busy when the customer activates the service, a confirmation announcement is heard.  Hang up and queuing process begins.  For the next thirty minutes both the calling and called parties’ lines are checked periodically.  The call set-up is made when both the originating and terminating lines are idle.  After activation for the feature, the originating and terminating customers may place other calls without affecting the Automatic Recall service status.  The call back may be to areas where a toll charge would be applicable.  This service is offered on a universal basis with no monthly charge and no connection charge.

Automatic Recall may be blocked.  Such blocking will be provided at no charge to the customer.

A customer will be charged for each successful activation of the service.  A successful activation is when the Automatic Recall customer receives a ringing tone, even if the party being called does not answer.